How to generate exceptional attendance entries? RP-20011


Employee’s less hours or absent days attendance can be generated thru the 'Generate Attendance Exceptional Entries' page under Attendance module.

Attendance -> Generate Attendance Exceptional Entries

Employee’s less hours or absent days attendance can be generated thru this option. There are different selection criteria available. Exceptional entries can be auto generated based on missing hours based on shift or forcefully generate the attendance; this can be based on the Entry Type selection. Different options under Entry type are:

  1.  Auto Generate IN & OUT if NO Punch  - Exceptional IN & OUT Punch Generated if NO attendance punch exists in a day, Leave days are Excluded
  2.  Forcefully Generate IN & OUT Punch   - Forcefully Generated Exceptional IN & OUT Punch based on assigned shift, even if punch already exists
  3.  Forcefully Generate IN Punch     - Forcefully Generated Exceptional IN Punch based on assigned shift, even if punch already exists
  4.  Forcefully Generate OUT Punch   - Forcefully Generated Exceptional OUT Punch based on assigned shift, even if punch already exists

Attendance will not be generated for those employees whose Timesheet generation based on Attendance punch and Timesheet already exists for the day.
Select the required generated entries and Save all to appear for Approval of these selected entries.

Click below link to view create Generate Attendance Exceptional Entries Video:


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