How the payroll is calculated if there are Working days, Leave days, Unpaid days, Full Absent days, Partial Absent hours or Overtime hours exists in a payroll period? RP-20271


During Payroll Process the Payroll payment amount is calculated based on employees timesheet projects assigned for each day, refer different projects calculation below:

  • Working Days – Employee package and payroll calculation method are taken for payroll calculation 
  • Leave Days – Leave numerator set in Employee leave settings is taken for payroll calculation (Leave Management->Settings->Manage Employee Leave Profile)
  • Unpaid Days – Unpaid numerator is taken for payroll calculation (Timesheet->Settings->Manage BLS Project Other Than LeavType Numerator Settings)
  • Full Absent Days – Full Absent numerator is taken for payroll calculation (Timesheet->Settings->Manage BLS Project Other Than LeavType Numerator Settings)
  • Partial Absent Hours – Partial Absent numerator is taken for payroll calculation (Timesheet->Settings->Manage BLS Project Other Than LeavType Numerator Settings)
  • Overtime Hours - Overtime numerators and settings are taken for payroll calculation (Timesheet->Settings->Cost Factor)

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