How to approve the generated exceptional attendance entries? RP-20012


Exceptional attendance punch saved can be searched and approved thru the 'Exceptional Entry Approval' page under Attendance module.

Attendance -> Exceptional Entry Approval

Exceptional attendance punch saved can be searched and approved thru this option. On search click the entries will be listed below the grid.

Select the approval required entries, select the Approve action and click on Submit button to approve the selected entries.

The exceptional entries can also be rejected by selecting the Reject action and click on submit button. Generating of another exceptional entries on same rejected entry time will are not allowed.

The exceptional entries can be searched and viewed thru ‘Manage Exceptional Entries’ page. This page can be used to enter single exceptional entry creation and search the exceptional entries generated. The entries which are created thru this page also required to approve thru approval page.

Click below link to view create Exceptional Entry Approval Video:


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