How to Approve the Leave Payment Amount to pay thru ERP Payment? RP-20014

Leave Management  

The Leave Payment generated thru Leave Process can be approved and submitted for ERP payment through the 'Approve for ERP Payment' page under Leave Management module.

Leave Management -> Approve for ERP Payment

Sometimes the Leave Payment amount appearing here may be different than it has shown during leave request, because if any previous rejoin difference or if any leave requested before this request and the balance leave got changed will reflect the payment amount. The amount shown here will be the leave payment eligibility against that particular leave request as on today. 

The Housing Allowance will not be calculated in Leave Payment of Leave Request for the 'Eligible for HRA Advance' eligible mapped employees in PA

The approved Leave Payment will appear under ‘Pay Through ERP’ screen under Payroll module. If this amount is not approved and not paid thru ERP payment then it will appear in payroll as feed during Payroll Process.

Click below link to view create Approve for ERP Payment Video:


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