How to create a new position and map in the system? RP-10005

Personnel Administration  

There are two steps to create and map the position:

1. Create a new Position
New Position can be created through the 'Manage Position' page under Personnel Administration module.

Personnel Administration -> Grade/Position Management -> Manage Position

New position master can be created thru this page. Already existing positions also can be managed here.
Once the new position is created the next step is to map this position with Grade.

2. Map Position and Grade
Position and Grade can be mapped through the 'Manage Position Grade Mapping' page under Personnel Administration module.

Personnel Administration -> Grade/Position Management -> Manage Position Grade Mapping

Required positions must be mapped against grade profile, classification and grade for assigning to any employee. The position, classification and grade mapping can be done here.
Once this mapping is done, the position will be available for assigning to employee based on grade profile selected.

Click below link to view create Manage Position Video:


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