How to create a new Shift? RP-20005


This is to create a new shift, for assigning to an employee thru the 'Shift Definition' page under Attendance module.

 Attendance ->  Settings ->  Shift Definition

Shift details and the working days in this shift and for each working day normal working hours, Ramadan working hours can be entered.

The shifts created here can be used to assign to employee or used to assign default shift to OU.

Grace Time will not reflect in Late arrival, but if full shift hours are not worked then will appear in Early leave list.

Attendance punches in between Maximum Early In Time and Maximum Late OUT Time only will be considered during attendance import for this shift.

Working days wise Shift timings can be modified to reflect different timings in each day of the week.

Once the Attendance punch is synced for the shift which has been assigned to any employee then the modification of that shift timing is blocked; only name and description can be modified.

If required to have a different shift timing for an active employee then create a new shift and assign the new shift to those employees from required date. Overlapping of multiple shifts is not allowed.

Click below link to view create Shift Definition Video:


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