How to do a Manual Advance Request and manage the request without workflow? RP-10006

Personnel Administration  

Advance Request can be managed without workflow through the 'Advance Request' page under Personnel Administration module.

Personnel Administration -> Advance Request -> Advance Request

Any type of Advance request can be processed through the system. Advance can be requested for self or any permitted employee. The already requested details can be searched by ‘Requested For’ or by ‘Reference No’. The requested for employee details and pending advance dashboard are displayed below the search option.

The Reference No is automatically generated. Maximum eligibility for the selected Advance type is displayed based on the settings given. Advance amount can split by ‘No of Installments’ or ‘Installment Amount’ by selecting the ‘Installments Split By’ dropdown. Depends on the selection the Installments or Installment Amount field will be enabled for entry. Deduction Start can be selected and the Deduction End is calculated as deduction start + no of installments and a valid payroll period validation given (already opened payroll period).

The Installment breakup shows the deduction in each payroll period details and the current status of each deduction.

Advance Requested Amount will be generated as ERP Payment entry and this can be issued thru the ‘Pay Through ERP’ page under Payroll module. And the corresponding payroll deduction entries also generated for payroll process. Validation is set against the advance type settings.

The requested employees ESB details can be viewed by clicking the ‘ESB Calculation’ button, it will popup the ESB page with employee details.

Advance Request List will list all the request details of the selected employee. If any of the deductions were processed in payroll then the Edit and Delete options will be disabled for that request. And workflow requests also cannot delete from manual page.

How to extend the installment deduction payroll period?
The deduction can be extended by clicking the Extend icon from the grid. Extending a deduction can be done by selecting the pending deduction and selecting the Extending Period. Remarks can be given for the extend record.

If the ‘Extend in between installments’ is selected then all the deductions in between the actual deduction and Extending Period will also get extended.

How to do the settlement of pending deduction amounts?
Entire pending deductions can be settled by clicking the Settlements icon from the grid. On settlement selection the entire pending amount will be cumulated and shown as Pending amount and it is read only. The settlement can be done in one installment or multiple but should be less than current pending installments.

The settled deduction entries will be generated for payroll process.

How to do the Special settlement of pending deduction amounts during payroll process?
This option is to settle the pending advance/loan amount to current payroll period. This option required to do when the payroll is in-progress, means when the generate payroll process stage completed and the submit payroll process is not yet completed. This can be done by clicking the Special Settlements icon from the grid. This option will be enabled for permitted role users, the permission can be set in advance type master page. On Special settlement selection the entire pending amount will be cumulated and shown as Pending amount and it is read only. The settlement can be done in one installment or multiple but should be less than current pending installments. 

The settled deduction entries will be generated for payroll process.

Click below link to view create Advance Request Video:


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