How to generate the Education Allowance? RP-30345


Education Allowance can be searched and generated through the 'Education Allowance' page under Payroll module.

Payroll -> Education Allowance -> Education Allowance

The children of Educaion allowance eligibile employees can searched with different combination of criterias and the matched children are listed with allowance details. The result is listed based on the settings and selection criteria; the generated list can be selected and submitted for approval(if approval requied). 

On Submit or Approval(if approval required) education allowance amount feed is generated to Payroll or ERP (to Pay through ERP page) based on settings. For costing purpose; Annually or monthly costing entries generated based on the settings.

Employee level education allowance eligibile children count 'No Of Children Eligible for School Fee' can be set in Personnel information page under Contracts & Benefits tab. And the children who are eligible for education allowance 'Eligible for School Fee' can be mapped in Personnel information page under Dependent Details tab.

Separate Search page is available to search the earlier generated allowance or approval required allowances. The page is available under payroll module. The allowance report also can be generated from the search page.

Payroll -> Education Allowance -> Search Education Allowance

There is a setting page available to set the values like education allowance amount, age limit, Children age eligibility validation date's, approval required. The page is available under:

Payroll -> Education Allowance -> Settings -> Education Allowance Settings



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