How to manage Advance Types? RP-20236

Personnel Administration  

Admin can manage advance types Master page thru the 'Manage Advance Type' page under Personnel Administration module.

Personnel Administration -> Advance Request -> Settings -> Manage Advance Type

Admin can manage advance types Master page. Validation on Advance request page is done based on the settings given here

Main Settings like below can set here:

  1.  Advance Amount Based on ‘Package’ or ‘Basic Salary’ or ‘Fixed’
  2.  Maximum Advance Amount
  3.  Minimum and Maximum Installments
  4. Minimum and Maximum Installment Amount
  5.  ERP Paying Attribute Group
  6.  Deducting Attribute Group
  7.  Guaranteer Required
  8.  Duration between two Advances
  9.  Duration validation as ‘Warning’ or ‘Restriction’

Click below link to view create Manage Advance Type Video:


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