How to manage government relation Service Request settings? RP-20166

Government Relations  

Master page to configure all Government Relations related service requests through the 'Manage Service Requests' page under Govt Relation module

Government Relations -> Settings -> Manage Service Requests

Following are some of the requests defined;

  •  New Iqama Request
  •  Iqama Renewal Request For Employee
  •  First Time Transfer Of Sponsorship
  •  Final Exit
  •  Iqama Renewal For Dependents
  •  Passport Renewal
  •  Saudization Certificate
  •  Renewal Of CR
  •  Renewal Of Chamber Of Commerce (COC)
  •  Renewal Of SAGIA
  •  Exit / Re-entry Cancellation
  •  Extension of Exit / Re-entry
  •  New Iqama Request - Dependant
  •  Following information has to be defined for a service request;
  •  Applicable for employee / company
  •  Request Type Code
  •  Request Type Name
  •  Document Types
  •  Original Documents required for processing
  •  Additional Requirements, If any Clarification/Notes, if any
  •  Request Process Time
  •  Process Fee

Based on the setting the government relation request workflow will work.



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