How to Process Payroll? RP-20325


How to Set Payroll Period?

  • Payroll -> File -> Set Active Payroll Period

The option is to set the active payroll period, this has to be done once before starting the payroll system in the company. Only the users who got ‘Payroll Admin’ role can do this task. Once the system is started using the next payroll period will get automatically set once the previous payroll period is finalized.

How to clear the current payroll data to restart the process?

  • Payroll -> File -> Clear Payroll Period

This option is to clear the current payroll period data and re-run the payroll. Only the users who got ‘Payroll Admin’ role can do this task.

How to view the current status of Payroll?

  • Payroll -> Click on the Status icon

It shows the status of different stages of current payroll process and the details of each stage.

What is Save Master?

  • Payroll-> Click on the Master Save icon

This option saves the master data of each active employee before starting the payroll processing. All the employees from Personnel Administration with ‘Approved for Payroll’ flag enabled will come in Save Master for cost calculation.

View Master Cost button click will list all cost calculated employees in a grid. The result can be exported to excel.

What is Get Timesheet?

  • Payroll-> Click on the Get Timesheet icon

This option provides the facility for getting the summary of booked time sheets of active employees for the active payroll period for payroll processing. For timesheet required employees the timesheet must be approved in timesheet module and timesheet not required employee this process auto generate timesheet as per shift after checking the leave and business travel.

View Timesheet Summary button click will list the employee wise timesheet summary in a grid page. result can be exported to excel.

How to add Manual Feed entry in Payroll?

  • Payroll-> Click on the Save Master icon

This option provides the facility to enter manual feeds for benefits or deductions. The feed can be against an employee or employee’s dependant. After entering the feed, click the Add button to add multiple feeds. The Save button click will save all the Added feeds.

How to select the Feeds to include in current payroll?

  • Payroll-> Click on Select Feeds icon

This option list the previously generated allowance/deductions feed entries. These entries can be selected to include in payroll process. The ‘Add Selected Feeds To Payroll’ button click saves the selected feeds for payroll process.

How to Generate Payroll?

  • Payroll-> Click on the Generate Payroll icon

Through this option the Generate Payroll process is done. It generates the employee level payroll based on employee save master data, timesheet and allowance/deductions feed entries. In the validation summary part it shows the status of different steps in the payroll processing.

The Generate button click does Generate Payroll process. View Generated Payroll button click will list the employee wise generated payroll in a grid page.

How to do the Adjustments in payroll after Generate Payroll?

  • Payroll-> Click on Adjustments icon

This option provides the facility to make manual adjustment (modify system generated allowance/deductions) for the generated payroll data. Save button click will save the changes.

How to Submit Payroll?

  • Payroll-> Click on the Submit Payroll icon

This option provides the facility to Submit or Approve the payroll for disbursement. The Submit Payroll button click does Submit Payroll process.
View Submitted Payroll button click will list the employee wise generated payroll in a grid page.

How to Disburse Payroll?

  • Payroll-> Click on Disburse Payroll icon

This option provides the facility to disburse the processed payroll through Bank/Cheque/Cash. ‘Add Selection For Disbursement’ button click will mark selected employees for Disburse Payroll.

Generate Bank Disc will create bank disc file for those employees payment type is Bank. This has to be done after ‘Add Selection For Disbursement’ only.

Publish Payslip button click publish the employees payslip in web portal for printing/viewing payslip from web portal.

How to Generate Non Disbursed Payroll?

  • Payroll-> Click on the Generate Non Disbursed Payroll icon

During disbursed payroll process dummy hours will be taken for the date after cutoff date and up to payroll end date. For non disbursed payroll process actual timesheet has to be processed for the dummy hours taken days and for the difference day’s amount will appear as previous month feed in next payroll period. In the validation summary part it shows the status of different validations to process the non disbursed payroll.

‘Generate Non Disbursed Payroll’ button click will generate the non disbursed payroll for all payroll processed employees.

How to Finalize Payroll?

  • Payroll-> Click on Finalize Payroll icon

During the Finalize Payroll process, if there is any difference of disbursed and non disbursed payroll then a feed for next payroll period against each employee will be generated. All process stages of the active period will be completed by this process and next payroll period will automatically set active.

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