How to redirect alerts or sent the copy of alerts to specified email ids? RP-20212

System Admin  

Admin can configure email forwarding options in the application through the 'E-mail Settings' page under System Admin module, the steps are:

System Admin -> Global Settings -> E-mail Settings

  1. Section  - Mail

If the option selected is:

  • Direct - then all the emails from the application will work as it is, no change.
  • Re-direct - then all the emails from the application will redirect to the id’s specified in To, CC & BCC of this page.
  • Include - then all the email from the application will also send to the id’s specified in To, CC & BCC of this page.
  1. Section - Comments

If the option selected is:

  • Include - then whatever text messages given in Subject, Mail Body & Disclaimer of this page will also be added with the emails going out of the application.
  • Not Include - than all the email from the application will work as it is, nothing will be added



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