How to renew employee contract manually without workflow? RP-10

Personnel Administration  

Employees contract can be renewed manually for the Contract Auto Renewal NOT required employees through the 'Manual Contract Renewal' page under Personnel Administration module.

Personnel Administration -> Manual Contract Renewal

User can do a search by selecting the corresponding company and the date period. The search will populate Contract renewal required employees on the selected date period. 

By default New End Date is calculated and shown by adding Contract End Date + Year + Months + Days. If required contract period can be changed. Select the renewal required employees and click on Save button.

If the current contract is already expired the renewal will take effect on Save button click itself. If current contract period is not expired then this will get effective on that specific date based on the SQL job configured in the server.

Note: Contract Auto Renewal Required set employees contract cannot be renewed manually.

Click below link to view create Manual Contract Renewal Video:


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