How to request an Advance Request thru workflow? RP-20250


New Work Flow details can be entered thru the 'Advance Request' page under Work Flow module .

New Request -> Advance Request

User can request for advance/loan through the system and the corresponding paying and deducting feeds will be generated for payroll.

What all details the Requestor has to enter in Advance Request?

  1. Requested For  - Select the Employee for Advance Request
  2. Reference No -  System Auto Generated Number
  3. Maximum eligibility as per Settings  -  Maximum eligibility for the selected Advance type is displayed based on the settings given
  4. Advance Type  -  Select the Advance required type like Employee Loan, Salary Advance, etc
  5. Advance Amount  -  Enter Advance Amount required
  6. Installment Split By -  Advance amount can split by ‘No of Installments’ or ‘Installment Amount’ by selecting the ‘Installments Split By’ dropdown
  7. Installments -  No. of installments required; this will be enabled /disabled based on Installment Split By value
  8. Installment Amount - Installment Amount required; this will be enabled /disabled based on Installment Split By value
  9. Deduction Start - Installment deduction will start from the selected payroll period. In the dropdown the payroll periods will be listed for selection. The first payroll period in the dropdown will be the active payroll period, if the Select Feed stage is not completed else next payroll period will be the first payroll period for selection.
  10. Deduction End - Deduction End is calculated as deduction start + no of installments; this is automatically calculated
  11. Remarks - Free text area for any remarks entry
  12. Guarantor - Guarantor Employee selection. This area will be visible only if Guarantor required is marked in the selected advance types’ master settings

In the approval tasks, the requested employees ESB details can be viewed by clicking the ‘ESB Calculation’ button, it will popup the ESB page with employee details. The approver can also view the previous advance request transaction details of the requested for employee and enter the recommendation reason before submission of the task.

Who all can request the Advance Request?

Employee or Admin can request advance for self or for any permitted employee.

How can the requestor attach the required documents along with the Advance Request?

The attachments can be added in advance request thru the common attachment option available in the Action History area.

What are the tasks available in Advance Request workflow?

There are many functional and approval tasks available in advance request. The task list is added in the process view.

When the Advance Amount Payment generated?

On completion of the advance request workflow the ERP Payment entry and the number of installment deduction entries for payroll will be generated.

Who will pay the approved advance to employee?

Advance Requested Amount will be generated as ERP Payment entry and this can be issued thru the ‘Pay Through ERP’ page under Payroll module. And the corresponding payroll installment deduction entries also generated for payroll process.

What is the Business Rule of Advance Request?

The Business Rule describes the advance request workflow tasks, actions of each task, description of each and the next task owner.

Click below link to view create Advance Request Video:


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