How to request an Expense Claim thru workflow? RP-20249


New Work Flow details can be entered thru the 'Expense Claim' page under Work Flow module.

New Request -> Expense Claim

Reimbursement required claims can be done thru expense claim.

What all details the Requestor has to enter in Expense Claim?

  1. Requested For - Select the Employee for Expense Claim request
  2. Nature of Claim - Type of Expense Claim
  3. Approval Status - Applicable for Business Travel only, to select the pre-approved business travel workflow process
  4. Repeated Claim  -  Applicable for Business Travel only, to map if the claim is related the previously claimed business travel process. This will be useful the approver to  identify it is repeated claim against one business travel.
  5. Pre-Approved  - Applicable for Business Travel only, map pre-approved business travel process. In this dropdown only the business travel which was not claimed  earlier will be listed.
  6. Company  - Company Selection
  7. Ref#  -  Auto Generated Number
  8. Expense Incurred Date - Capture the Expense Incurred Date
  9. Attachments  -  Multiple Attachment selection

How to enter Business Travel Allowance Details?

User can add business travel allowance details by clicking the ‘Add/Edit Daily Allowance’ button from Expense Claim page. Here the city wise daily business travel allowance for business trip can be entered.

The input information for a business travel allowance details include purpose, destination city, currency and days. The total amount will calculated based on Daily Rate, Currency Rate and Actual Days & Hours.

The permitted users can manage Destination City by clicking the link. There is an option to enter ‘Manual Amount’, if manual amount is entered it will be treated as the business travel amount for that entry.

How to enter Expense Claim Details?

User can add expense claim details by clicking the ’Add/Edit Claim Details’ button from Expense Claim page. Here the reimbursement permitted expense details like petrol expenses, travel expenses, accommodation expenses, etc can be entered. Expense details can be entered for the sub categories of selected category in expense claim page. Total Amount is calculated based on the Currency exchange rate. Attachment is mandatory for ‘Invoice Required’ Sub Categories.

Who all can do the Expense Claim?

Employee or Admin can request expense claim for self or for any permitted employee.

How can the requestor attach the required documents along with the expense claim?

The attachments can be added in expense claim request page itself or in the Business Travel Allowance page or Expense Claim Details page.

What are the tasks available in Expense Claim workflow?

There are many functional and approval tasks available in expense claim. The task list is added in the process view.

What is the role of Approver task owners?

The Approver task owners have to verify and approve the request. The last task owners have to mark the Payment details like Org. document required flag, document received date and payment date, if applicable.

When the Expense Claim reimbursement Feed generated? Once the Expense claim workflow is completed reimbursement amount feed will be generated under payroll.

Who will pay the approved reimbursement amount to employee? The approved reimbursement amount will be generated under payroll as expense claim feed amount, so the reimbursement amount will be issues along with next month payroll salary.

What is the Business Rule of Expense Claim?

The Business Rule describes the expense claim workflow tasks, actions of each task, description of each and the next task owner.

Click below link to view create Expense Claim Video:


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