How to request any Card thru workflow? RP-20247


New Work Flow details can be entered thru the 'Card Request' page under Work Flow module.User can request for any type of defined Cards (like Business Card, ID Card, etc) thru this workflow.

New Request -> Card Request

What all details the Requestor has to enter in Card Request?

  1. Requested For  -  Select the Requested For Employee 
  2. Card Type   -  Any type of master defined Card Type (like Business Card, ID Card, etc) can be requested by selecting the Card Type
  3. No. of Cards Required   -  By default it comes from the master data defined and user can modify
  4. Name (English and Arabic)  - This is the Name to be Appeared in the Card, by default the requested for employee name appear here and user can modify
  5. Designation (English and Arabic) - This is the Designation to be Appeared in the Card, by default the requested for employee position appear here and user can modify
  6. Phone, Extension, Mobile and Email - This displayed information will Appear in the Card, by default the requested for employee’s details appear here and user can modify

Who all can do the Card Request?

 Employee or Admin can request Card for self or for any permitted employee.

How can the requestor attach the required documents along with the card request?

The attachments can be added in card request thru the common attachment option available in the Action History area.

What are the tasks available in Card Request workflow?

 There are many functional and approval tasks available in Card Request. The task list is added in the process view.

What is the role of Approver task owners and Process and Issue task owner?

The Approver task owners have to verify and approve or rework based on the permission.

Process and Issue task owner has to prepare the requested card, issue to the requestor and close the request

What is the Business Rule of Card Request?

The Business Rule describes the Card Request workflow tasks, actions of each task, description of each and the next task owner.

Click below link to view create Card Request Video:


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