How to request Business Travel thru workflow? RP-20254


New Work Flow details can be entered thru the ' Business Travel' page under Work Flow module.Business Travel request and Travel cash advance can be done thru this workflow.

New Request -> Business Travel

What all details the Requestor has to enter in Business Travel?

  1. Travel Type - Select the Travel is In Kingdom or Out Kingdom
  2. Company - Company Selection
  3. Budget - Select the required Budget types
  4. Requested For 
  • Select the Employees Travelling Self and/or Other employees
  • Enter/Select the employee from popup and click Add button
  1. Travel Eligibility Based On
  • Select the Travel Eligibility claim in Expense claim based on which employees eligibility
  • Option to select the claim eligibility of the travel employee or the selected employees eligibility by selecting specific employee from the dropdown
  1. Accompanying Consultant - If the accompanying person is not an employee of the company then the details of that person can be entered here
  2. Place To Visit - Enter the details of place to visit
  3. Route In Details - Enter the Traveling route details
  4. Purpose of Visit - Select the Purpose from the dropdown list
  5. Details - Enter the details of purpose of visit if required
  6. Work Duration - Enter Work Duration Period (From Date and To Date) during the Business Travel Period
  7. Travel Dates 
  • Enter the Business Travel Period (Outward and Return Date)
  • Outward date should be less than or equal to Work Duration From Date
  • Return date should be greater than or equal to Work Duration To Date
  1. Accommodation & Details
  • Select the Accommodation requirement details from dropdown and enter Details if any
  • If Company Provided Accommodation required option selected then enter the details like:
  • Location
  • Check In Date and Time
  • Check Out Date and Time
  • If Accommodations required in multiple locations then enter all that details
  1. Transportation & Details
  • Select the Transportation requirement details from dropdown and enter Details if any
  • If Transportation required options selected then enter the details like:
  • Date From and To
  • Location
  • Remarks
  • If Transportation required in multiple locations then enter all that details
  1. Exit Re-Entry required - Selection applicable for Out kingdom Travel only
  2.  Visa From Embassy & Details 
  • Select the Visa requirement from dropdown and enter Details if any
  • If Visa Required option selected then select/enter the details like:
  • Country
  • Remarks
  • If Visa required from multiple embassies then enter all that details
  1. Cash Advance Required - Select if cash advance required
  2. Cash Advance - If Cash Advance Required is selected then enter the Advance Amount
  3. Cash Advance Issued To - If Cash Advance Amount is entered then select to which Traveling employee this amount should be issued to

Note: The reimbursement of past business travels which haven’t booked in the system can be done in expense claim by selecting Approval Status as 'Non Approved' type of Business Travel in expense claim. And the timesheet can be modified as Business Travel during timesheet generation for the payroll process.

How can the requestor or approver attach the required documents in Business Travel?

The attachments can be added in business travel thru the common attachment option available in the Action History area.

Who all can request the Business Travel?

Employee or Supervisor can request Business Travel for self or for any permitted employees.

What are the tasks available in Business Travel workflow?

There are many functional and approval tasks available in Business Travel. The task list is added in the process view.

What is the role of Approver task owners in Business Travel?

The Approver task owners have to verify and approve, reject or rework based on the permission. Other Functionalities to do by other tasks owners are:

  1. Issue Amount task – If any advance requested this task owner has to issue the amount and submit the task
  2. Visa Exit-Re-entry task – If exit-reentry requested do the visa process and approve the task
  3. Ticket Booking task – if ticket requested arrange the ticket and approve the task

When the Business Travel Cash Advance Feed generated and how to mark the payment?

Once the Business Travel workflow completed the advance requested amount feed will be generated under pay through ERP. Once the payment is done this entry can be marked as Paid thru Pay through ERP page under Payroll module.

What is the Business Rule of Business Travel?

The Business Rule describes the business travel workflow tasks, actions of each task, description of each and the next task owner.

Click below link to view create Business Travel Video:


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