How to view the Attendance of employees? RP-20008


Employee’s attendance can be viewed thru different pages through the 'Multiple Employee Attendance' or ' Daily Attendance List' etc. page under Attendance module:

  1. Attendance -> Daily Attendance List
  2. Attendance -> Employee Attendance
  3. Attendance -> Subordinates Attendance
  4. Attendance -> Multiple Employee Attendance

Employee’s attendance can be viewed thru different pages. The selection criteria are different for these pages. The pages are:

  1. Daily Attendance List
  2. Employee Attendance
  3. Subordinates Attendance
  4. Multiple Employee Attendance

Compare to other attendance pages in ‘Multiple Employees Attendance’ there are different attendance type view option available, they are:

  1.  Attendance Marked – list attendance exists days
  2.  Attendance Missing – list attendance missing days
  3. Delay Arrival – list delay arrival days
  4. Early Leave – list early leave days
  5. Less Hours – list less hours in duty days
  6. Less Hours AND Attendance Missing

If required Less Hours and Attendance Missing days can be searched and exceptional entries can be generated for those days.

Attendance punch details and exceptional entries can be viewed by clicking the icons available in the table.

Click below link to view create Daily Attendance List Video:


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