What is the difference between Fixed Days Payroll Calculation and Calendar Days Payroll Calculation? RP-20267


Calendar Days and Fixed Days Payroll Calculation difference is:

Calendar Days

  • Worked days amount is paid
  • Payroll is calculated for the worked days in that payroll period; that means: (total payroll package/ number of days in that payroll period) * worked days.

Fixed Days

  • Absent days fixed amoint is deducted
  • Fixed amount (total payroll package/30) is deducted for all absent days in that payroll period and the remaining amount is paid. 
  • In case of Full Absent, the amount deducted is Fixed based on (total payroll package/30)
  • The Partial Absence case there are two different way of payroll calculation in Fixed Days
  • Fixed Hour
    • In case of Partial Absent, the amount deducted is also Fixed based on the hours set (total payroll package / 30 / FixedHours)
  • Shift Hour
    • In case of Partial Absent, the amount deducted is based on that days Shift Hours set (total payroll package / 30 / DaysShiftHour)

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