How to book Absent Days or Absent Hours timesheet? RP-20223


The Generated Timesheets can be searched and modified through the 'Generate And Manage Employee TimeSheets' under TimeSheet module.

TimeSheet  -> Generate And Manage Employee TimeSheets

During Timesheet generation by default all the employees Timesheet project will be the project assigned for that employee in Personnel Information.

Search the Required days, employees timesheet to modify. From the grid list click and delete the Timesheet project which required to change as Absent Day. Click on the down arrow key so it shows all the projects, from that list select ‘FA|Full Absent’ project. So that day will be Absent in timesheet.

From the generated timesheet if required to book some absent hours (partial absent) then change the project to ‘PA|Partial Absent’ and modify the BH (booked hours). Then another entry of the difference hours automatically gets generated under default timesheet project.

In the same way if overtime hours to add then mark the hours under OT (Overtime) column.

To save the changes select the records from the grid and click on ‘Save All’ (Save for later modification) or ‘Save & Submit’ (Submit for Timesheet Approval). These timesheet records must be approved to appear in payroll.

If any penalty to be given for the absent days or hours then can be added thru Additional Allowance/Deduction Entry Request workflow, refer the user manual of this workflow.