Where to view the Timesheets of an employee in the system? RP-3


Where to view the Timesheets of an employee in the system?

Employee Timesheets can be viewed in the system thru below options:

  1. Timesheet -> Generate and Manage Employee Timesheets

Timesheets of employees can be generated or viewed thru this page. For Timesheet Generation use the 'Generate Details' area and to view or manage generated timesheets use the 'Search and Manage Details' area.

There are different combinations of search criteria’s like:

  • Payroll Period
  • From Date and To Date
  • Organization
  • Employees
  • Project
  • Timesheet Status
  1. Timesheet -> Reports -> Generate and Manage Employee Timesheet

Timesheet entered for employees can be viewed thru this Report. There are different combinations of search criteria’s available. This report is available in Arabic.

  • This report can also export to many formats including excel