How to book Timesheet for an Employee? RP-20213


Timesheet is to generate the employee timesheet as per shift and modify the timesheet through the 'Generate and Manage Employee Timesheets' page under Timesheet module.

Timesheet-> Generate and Manage Employee Timesheets

A set of employees/single employees timesheet for a period can be generate by selecting the timesheet required options:

Payroll Period, Timesheet Generation (this can be a date range or a week or a day), From Date, To Date (based on Timesheet Generate selection), Select Organization, Select Employees (from the selected organization)

Clicking on the Generate button will generate timesheet for employees of the selected criteria based on the shift assigned.

The Generated Timesheets can be searched and modified.

After modification or confirmation select the records and click on ‘Save All’ (Save for later modification) or ‘Save & Submit’ (Submit for Timesheet Approval). These timesheet records must be approved to appear in payroll.

Fields like Timesheet Project, Booked Hour and Overtime can be modified. If the Booked hour is modified (reduced) then another entry of the difference hours automatically get generated.

In Timesheet the hours are displayed on decimal hours format, clicking on ‘Conversion from Minutes to Payroll Decimal Hours’ icon will popup the hours to decimal conversion details.


Required Hours (RH) means the hours requried to work as per the shift defined for the employee
Booked Hours (BH) means the hours booked in the timesheet against the project for the employee 

For e.g. 

  1. If the Employee is Absent (Full Absent) then: should book the timesheet Project as 'Full Absent (FA)' and Booked Hours same as Required Hours
  2. If the Employee worked 8 hours in day where the required hours was 9 hours then: should book the timesheet project as '--- working project ---'  and booked hours as 8 hours; the remaining 1 hours should book as 'Partial Absent' project hour

Click below link to view create Generate and Manage Employee Timesheets Video: